WEIGHT: 62 kg
Bust: E
One HOUR:150$
NIGHT: +50$
Sex services: Smoking (Fetish), Fisting anal, Massage professional, Massage classic, Watersports (Giving)
Contact Admin. Unlike many countries, prostitution in Israel is legal. Prostitution is legal, but what is not legal, is running a brothel or living off the earnings of a prostitute Israel legalize prostitute as way to attract Jewish from around the world and increase number of tourists.
Prostitution in Israel is not kept on the down low. Some of the places where prostitution is more popular is in cities like Tel Aviv and Haifa. In Tel Aviv, between and brothels are operating. Prostitutes can be found on the streets, strip clubs and "massage parlors.
Regular citizens are more likely to just look for a prostitute on the streets. The figures place the number of prostitutes per , Israelis at The prostitution industryis a billion-dollar industry, according to officials who testified before the Knesset Subcommittee on Trafficking in Women and Prostitution, including the head of the Tax Authority.
Prostitute industry in Israel develops rapidly due to its high profits where women who work in get little amount of these profits and the remaining profits go to place owners.
Some one-quarter of Israeli prostitutes see more than seven clients a day the average is 5. The prostitution industry has flourished as trafficking has subside because demand for sex service remains steady. To explain more, the Israel sex industry from the early s until the mids was based on the trafficking of women from the former Soviet Union. Not until a U.