WEIGHT: 50 kg
Breast: B
One HOUR:200$
Overnight: +40$
Services: Fetish, Blow ride, BDSM (receiving), Massage, Massage Thai
Skip to main content Skip to navigation. Prostitution is a legal profession the Netherlands. If you are 18 years of age or older, you are allowed to work as a self-employed professional in prostitution. If you work as a self-employed professional, you may be considered an entrepreneur.
Find out which rules and regulations you must comply with if you want to work in prostitution. If you are 18 years of age or older, you are allowed to work as a sex worker in the Netherlands.
However, in most cities the legal minimum age to work in prostitution has been raised to 21 years. Make sure to check with your municipality in advance. On our page Moving to the Netherlands as an entrepreneur or self-employed professional , you can find more information about specific conditions that may apply to you. If you intend to make an income of your service as a sex worker, you may be considered an entrepreneur. Check whether this applies to you.
It is therefore advisable to reserve some money in advance. As an entrepreneur you may be eligible for tax benefits, such as the entrepreneur allowance ondernemersaftrek. Every entrepreneur who intends to start a business in the Netherlands must arrange a number of things. When starting as a self-employed sex worker, you have to take the following steps into account. You can fill out an online registration form prior to your registration with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce.
You must fill out your private address and business address. If you work from home, you can register your private address as your business address. You also need a citizen service number and a trade name. Do you want to register as a sole proprietor eenmanszaak?